Gaining Weight


I've been trying to lose weight for the last month and a half. Instead of losing though, I've been gaining. Since 1/20, I've gained 4 pounds... Idk what to do.
I've tried a low calorie diet, I can't exercise  much due to a heart and lung problem, and I don't like to eat healthy. I've never had trouble losing weight before but now idk what to do.
I've done diet pills, yogurt diets, starvation, 1 meal per day, etc as diets before but none of them are working now.
I'm just so hungry lately so the 1 meal, starvation, and yogurt diets just aren't working.
Any suggestions??
Edit: Never said I was looking for a healthy way to lose weight.
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Posted at
Its because you are literally doing everthing wrong. First and foremost, you need to eat healthy. Period. Very healthy, like no sugars and carbs. You can't eat terribly and not work out then expect to lose weight. You need to eat 1,200-1,500 calories a day, a low calorie diet does nothing at all. Yogurt diet is the worst thing you could do. That doesn't even make sense. You are literally just taking in sugar and carbs which raises insulin and causes weight gain and fat storage. Fasting works if you do it properly and you are healthy and educated about fitness which I see that you aren't. Stick to lean protein, water, and green leafy vegetables. Nothing more and nothing less.


my • Mar 1, 2016
Then stick to eggs, meats, nuts, etc.


my • Mar 1, 2016
Okay then do green tea. Water is in almost everything.


Je • Mar 1, 2016
Can't have water, it has fluoride in it to which I am HIGHLY allergic to if indigested.... And fruits/vegetables make me throw up. Sounds healthy...


Posted at
You aren't going to lose weight without healthy eating and exercise unfortunately.Starvation can and will kill you, and chain-dieting never works. You need 3-5 meals a day and at least 1hr of physical activity/day to be a healthy person.Losing weight the way you are describing is dangerous.


Katherine • Mar 2, 2016 Also there is no other way to lose weight than a proper healthy way. You will kill yourself or at the very LEAST damage your body. Everyone on this app will tell you the exact same thing, so you should really look elsewhere.


Je • Mar 1, 2016
I don't drink pop, Katherine. I ONLY drink milk.


Katherine • Feb 27, 2016
I 100% understand that you cannot exercise. At least cut pop out of your diet as a start.


Posted at
Starvation isn't the way to go! You have to keep your body fueled up! And key to losing weight is eating healthy. You can make it fun and make it just as delicious and feel 10 times better than eating like crap. Drink lots and lots of water, too!


Je • Feb 21, 2016
Can't drink water as it has fluoride in it which I'm highly allergic to. And I don't like healthy foods like AT ALL.


Posted at
Those are definitely the wrong ways to go about it. I've dropped quite a bit of weight lately just by cutting out sugar and walking more. I was misdiagnosed with hypoglycemia so I stopped eating sugar. I started a new job at a zoo and walk 4-6 miles per day. I wasn't trying to lose weight, but I'm definitely okay with it! 


Posted at
Learn to cook so you do like healthy foods. You'd be surprised if you got out of your comfort zone. Go for a walk for 30 minutes a day, I assume you can do that? Gotta love the body with nutrients. Try shakeology or green supplements. But you gotta eat 


Gemma • Mar 2, 2016
That's why shakeology is good, it's chocolate or vanilla shake with lotssss of nutrients! It's a meal replscement


Je • Mar 1, 2016
At the moment, I can't even walk across the room without being out of breath... So no, I can't do that either. And I know how to cook, i just don't like healthy foods... Fruits and vegetables alone make me throw up...


Posted at
This is a joke right? 


Laura • Mar 1, 2016
You're wondering why starvation doesn't work? Did you take health freshman year?


Je • Mar 1, 2016
No. Why would it be? 😕