Boyfriend mama drama need advise

Ok so this is kind of SO and I have been together for over 6 years living together for over 3 made plans for the future talked about how many kids we want everything. My SO and I come from very different families so it took me awhile to adjust and be comfortable with his family, mine is very reserved and his is very loud and in each others business his mom is very opinionated about everything and does not hide it. I have always just smiled and nodded when she gives her opinion about how things should be done etc but it's getting worse as time goes on and I finally thought we were good and really starting to be close and have really been starting to think of them as my family (until all of this) as they live close and my own lives a 4 hr plane ride away. Then last week she spends half an hour lecturing me about how I should be spending my days cleaning and cooking for my SO so that when he comes home from work he doesn't need to be stressed about the house and can focus on making money. I work overnights as a pediatric nurse so it's not like I have all the free time in the world. Now she came over this weekend and before leaving made a face and started to say something idk what I was across the room and her older daughter stopped her. After she left I asked my SO and his sister what she said, his sister said nothing I stopped her before she said anything. My SO immediately asked me what I did. I have no clue...I said hi I was polite but who knows. Anyway now my SO is so fed up with the stress of his mother causing issues with me that he's starting to think about breaking up with me even though he doesn't want to........Should I try and talk to her and work it out or should I just leave? I don't want him to fight with his family because of me and that seems to be what's happening no matter what I do 😩 and to top it off I now feel super insecure about where I stand with his family