Is your SO helping out with the baby and house chores?

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Posted at
Ehhhh I expected more ...


Eva • Dec 5, 2018


jo • Sep 27, 2017


Ashley • Sep 27, 2017


Posted at
Not really. I have to ask him to help. I go to school online and I have some timed assignments n I have to ask him to hold our son. Thankfully my mom helps a lot every time I need a break. I take care of him about 20-22hrs out of the day. The other 2-4 my mom usually has him so I can take a small nap or work on timed tests. He didn't start to help until I snapped at him 2 days ago after he complained about the clean baby clothes I left out because I was busy feeding n changing our baby. I told him if he didn't like it he could put it away and quit complaining or he could go stay with his mom for good n complain to her because I didn't care about him complaining if he wasn't helping out either. 


Jes • Nov 14, 2016
I'm sorry :(


Posted at
My SO is away on TDY for the military. I dont have family here so doing it all on my own until he gets back. It is so hard. Much respect to the single parents out there. 


Kristen • Aug 4, 2019
My husband is currently on deployment, so u do it all myself. And yes its hard.


Kaitlan • Jun 20, 2016
My SO is also military and currently down range.


Posted at
No, my SO is not much help. Honestly right now I don't mind so much cause I'm on maternity leave but in nervous for when I go back he can expect me do everything and we've talked about and he tells me of course he'll help out. That's hard to believe when he doesn't do anything now. 


Ruth • Nov 12, 2017
mine barely helps. and im going back to work on the first so he'll be home on weekends with the boys. yesterday i asked him to hold the baby his response was * but i was going to make food* so he didnt take the baby, i then explained to him he will have to cook while he has the boys and im not there so he should just get used to it. i also wake up between 5-7 am with baby while he sleeps till 10 or 11. =(


Brittany • Aug 16, 2017
same here


HN • Aug 12, 2017
I'm on that boat too!


Posted at
My husband is amazing. He works 10-11hr shifts and will come home and still help me with the baby and the house. He will stay up most of the night with the baby so I can get some rest. I feel so blessed to have him. 😍


Posted at
I'm a SAHM and my husband helps with both our 3 yr old and our new baby girl ;) I bf so I'm the one caring for her all night long. But in the evenings, he takes out trash, feeds the dog, helps clean up after dinner, and gets my son ready for bed while I take care of the baby. I do all the housework and make sure everyone has a good meal. We kind of have out tasks divided up so no one goes crazy. And he gets time to himself from 8-10 or 11. I don't know how single moms manage! Props!


Boo • Sep 2, 2016
this sounds the same as us!


Posted at
My husband goes above and beyond the call of duty of dad. Diaper change, home cooked meals, clean house. Everything. Is it 4 in the morning and baby won't sleep? Dad will rock him for two hours so I can sleep. I hit the jackpot for most amazing partner 😍


Sharon • Jan 31, 2018
My husband is amazing, he does almost everything for the baby. He really is awesome


Allison • Nov 2, 2017
Me too! My husband rocks!


🐲 DRACARYS! 🐲 • Oct 25, 2016
Damn girl! You win! It is like hitting the jackpot!


Posted at
I have to beg my SO to help and he rarely even does then. 😩 He refuses to hold Henry like ever, for silly excuses like his hands are dirty from working on cars or he doesn't feel well. He gets irritated when I wake him up to ask him to make a bottle and I usually end up doing that too. He always complains he's tired, which I try to understand because he works 12 hour days everyday but dammit I'm the one who takes care of the baby and gets up during he nights changing his butt and feeding him. I love being a mommy but I'm pretty sure it took two of us to make this miracle, not just me! 


Hanna • Mar 13, 2020
So sorry Emily and hope it works out with his new “dada” ;) and you did the right thing!


Emily🌸 • Aug 14, 2017
Me and that SO didn't work out, I couldn't take it anymore! I broke it off. Even now he hasn't seen Henry in weeks and just told me he couldn't take him for the six days he demanded and begged me to let me see him! My son absolutely loves the man I'm with and I won't be surprised if he starts calling him dada.


Stephanie • Aug 14, 2017
I am in the exact same boat, my husband works nights 12 hour shifts and then sleeps all day while I'm up with our LO. He comes home and complains the house is dirty and the laundry isn't done but I mean how are we supposed to keep up with all of that and take care of a baby who doesn't like to be put down.


Posted at
I'm a single parent. My baby is two months and his father is completely clueless on how to be a father. He just gives me money when I ask for it. Most women tell me to be satisfied smh


Justine • Oct 14, 2019
Same here 😐 gotten nothing. No contact . No money. We don’t exist . He took the easy way out .


Hw • Sep 21, 2017
My guy hasn't even given me any money


Vanessa • Mar 10, 2016
What he doesn't know is that giving you money is just the easy part, he's not a father he's a provider there's a difference


Posted at
My husband is amazing with the baby! I ended up having a c-section after many hours of very hard labor, so right now my job is to lay around in bed with baby and nurse as much as possible. My husband plays nurse and brings me all of my medications when they're due, he tracks baby's dirty diapers, tracks when baby nurses, brings me snacks and drinks, runs to the store, cleans up, and keeps me on track.He just changed the first poopy diaper of his life yesterday.He rubs my feet and legs while I nurse baby too.He's a great husband and turning out to be a really great dad also.<3