Baby James :)

Victoria • Married 10 years. Mommy to James and Jack 💙 pregnant with #3 due October 24th
Here is my birth story! Been meaning to write it. I was scheduled to be induced Wednesday, February 24th, but went in with contractions Tuesday night. They kept me and monitored me and I was 1.5 cm. I stayed the night and was given pitocin around 6 am. Then things started very quickly! 
6 am- 2 cm
9 am- 4.5 cm
Epidural given and it was wonderful!!
12:30- 8 cm
1:30- 10 cm time to push! 
2:34- Baby James was born!!! :) 
Weighing 9.1 lbs 21.5 inches long and causing mommy a second degree tear (ouch!) We are so in love!!