Too many compliments/comments about sex!

Megan • We are the universe. Treat it well. ✨🌟🌌🌄⛰
Anyone else have this problem with their SO?
My man is the greatest. He's always doing nice things for me, he tells me I'm beautiful/sexy/etc. but it's ALL the time. And there will be times where I'll just try to hang out and not try to get involved with anything. We will just be sitting there talking and out of no where he'll say something along the lines of, "damn, you make my dick so hard." And it gets so tiring. I love and appreciate that he says these things to me but it's literally every day, all day. And the talk doesn't bother me or make me uncomfortable, a lot of the time it just annoys me. We could be talking about anything, conversations so far away from sex and he will still make these comments. Anyone else?