Thomas is Here!!! Born at 35w1d! We are so blessed!

So happy to have my sweet boy here, and healthy! He was born at 35w1d, weighing 7 lb 8 oz, 20.5" long! Due April 7th. On Thursday, March 3rd, my mucus plug came out. I started cramping really bad, and continued to do so throughout the day. Around 3pm, my contractions started to intensify. At 5:30 pm, I got up to go to the bathroom, and MY WATER BROKE! I was in complete shock, and scared that my baby boy wouldn't be okay. We rushed to the hospital, and I receive my epidural by 8:30 pm. I was so relaxed and comfortable at that point, so they just let me dilate on my own. It seemed to progress quickly...time flew to me! At 4:30 am on March 4th, I started pushing. He was born at 5:01 am. His little shoulders got stuck, and he was having a little trouble breathing, so they admitted him to the NICU. He only stayed for 4 hours, and was back in the room with us. I was finally able to love on him, and nurse him. He was so strong, and did so well. Other than being treated for jaundice at home in a bili bed, he is doing great, and thriving!! We are so lucky!