How much sex do you have?



So my SO and I were having a debate kinda...we have sex at LEAST three times a day, everyday. When I was pregnant, it was at least once a day. We have 5 kids from ages 9,7,2,13 months and 4 months (yes I birthed them all) and we both somehow the topic came up about if any other woman would have that much sex with him even tho thier tired, pregnant, and have so many kids! He says of course they would...I say I don't really think so....

* no he doesn't MAKE me have sex with him we just both have high sex drives*

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Posted at
Like every other day :] 


Posted at
lol your hubby is lucky cause most women would not and don't talk about 'compromise' they take offense to that too 


rw • Mar 21, 2016
they b like "how dare u its my body" as if sex isnt essential in marriage just becauss they dont feel it is. smh


Amber • Mar 21, 2016
thank you, thats what saying lol


Posted at
Holy crap!! How do you even have he drive! I haven't had a sex drive like that since I was 18-21! 


Lauren • Mar 21, 2016
Cheers to you guys! Neither one of us have drives like that. Every couple days and we are happy


Amber • Mar 21, 2016
im almost 30, hes 33....idk i wasnt this bad til we got together, i guess im just really attracted to him and he has what i like...idk only thing i can think of lol


Posted at
I honestly believe it can become an addiction because when I go without out it, I kinda feel like I need it? Idk its weird...I use not to be like that lol


Posted at
Considering most times we spend 45min or longer on sex...doing it 3 times a day would be impossible. We are lucky if we have enough time together once or twice a week.


Posted at
A few times a week. Wish it was 3x a day, that would be fun!! Lol


Posted at
Oh man! I would love to have my husband 3x a day!! I have a pretty crazy sex drive, haha. It ends up being about 1-3 times per week. I get stupid grumpy the less I get it 😬


Posted at
Three times a day?!? Not even when we first started dating! 


Posted at
When my boyfriend and I lived close and didn't work so much we had sex 2 times a day everyday now we only see each other on the weekend so just the weekends


Posted at
Every day...