Sleeping 3mo

Nyleve • Mama to 4 & 5 y/o boys and a Newborn Baby Girl 💙💙💕
Hey mommies, just looking for general advice/suggestions, all are welcome. My LO is 3 months and will only sleep in his crib in his nursery from bedtime (8:30ish) until about 1. After I feed him during that time, it's a wrap; he either wakes up every hour or will flat out refuse to go back to sleep and stay in his crib. I usually end up bringing him into bed with me. I've tried what feels like everything from $40 "Magic" Sleepsuits, crib soothers, vibrating plush animals, swaddling, etc. I don't know what else to do. I feel like just giving up and bed sharing with him so we can both get some sleep, his daddy sleeps in another room due to his work schedule anyway. But even when he's in bed with me he seems fussy and I have to pat him down quite a bit. Or I was thinking about bringing his pack n play back into my room and placing it next to my bed again. I'm not against bed sharing but I honestly wanted my son to grow used to his crib. TIA for your time. 
Side Note: He sleeps wonderfully whenever he spends the night with his Grandma, they bed share.