Neighbors BAD Kids 😡

Kelby • 24; married for 4 years with 1 beautiful 2 year old and 1 amazing baby boy
Our neighbors children keep coming into our front yard and turning our water hose on, and have also went into our backyard and played chase around our shed several times. Our house is separated from theirs by a fence running from the front yard ditch all the way through to the back yard where its connects to a chain link fence of the house behind us. So basically our house is separated completely from theirs in the front and back, and they have to go around the fence into our front yard and through our driveway on the opposite side of the house in order to get to our backyard. We've asked the parents to tell their children to leave our water alone, and to ask them to stay out of our backyard since it's not child proof, and their parents literally laughed and walked away. What would you do in this situation? They are hemorraghing our water costing us money and they won't make them stop running around in our backyard. What should my next steps be?