38+3 and baby!

So Wednesday night around 11pm lost a huge glob of what I assumed was mucus plug, reminded me of CM around ovulation when was TTC. Then in morning had more pass and cramping started. Wasn't until I saw little streaks of blood I was convinced it was the plug. For those who are ftm or never noticed with pervious pregnancy (me lol, son came 35+5 and think I lost it when water randomly broke) it really does look like snot when you blow you nose when sick or allergies. 
Cramps were fairly consistent around 6am for like an hour then tapered off by 10am. 10am-1pm few cramps, but at 2pm they started and kept consistent! Was so excited! Went into hospital at 5pm, by 6 I was still only at 3.5cm from Tuesday and water still in tact but since I had been having contractions for 4hrs instead of sending me home to most likely return in evening they allowed us to walk to hospital for 45mins.
6:45 checked me again was only around 4 but could feel the water sack bulging so at 7 said they'd give me a room and epidural.... Dear lord! Ok so only had 1 anesthesiologist working and he was in a C-section delivery with the on call Doctor. I didn't get my epidural until 9pm!!! I was bawling through my contractions from the pain and fear they wouldn't be able to give it to me in time and if have to do it natural. I kept telling nurse she's here I can feel her if they don't come now babies going to be here. By the grace of god they got him in there and me set up. When they checked me right after I was 100% dilated and bag was bulging out so bad they had no clue why it hadnt ruptured and Doctor still was caught up with someone else to come pop it. 
Ha so when nurse ran out to grab Doctor and make her come because I told her she was going to be delivering this baby on her own if not. During a super strong contraction I heard a pop, felt it, and it splashed back of my leg scaring the every loving hell out of me to the point I was cracking up in histerics. Doctors still was busy so they managed to find the one who checked me at beginning. Tell you what when I said nurse would be delivering alone if she didn't find someone wasn't kidding. He got there barely set up and we had my Lillian Rose in 5 mins if even lol! 
So long story, lots of details, but wanted to let those ftm's or those like me that it's been awhile so it's almost like being a ftm again ideas of labor insanity Lol!
3/24/16 9:56pm 6lb 8oz 16in!