What would you do

My husband is supposedly making 10 dollars an hour working with his mom's boyfriend. He works everyday for 8 hours and last week only got 180 dollars, before he got that job, he had a first job, which he still has by the way, and he makes about 200 a week there, yet gets paid only 7.25 an hour (doesn't make sense right?) working less hours. Anytime his first boss needs him during the day, the mother's boyfriend gets pissed off. Saying that he shouldn't be going to the lower paying job even though he's never got the amount of money from the boyfriend that he makes at the "lower paying job". And it's only once every couple weeks he's needed in the mornings at the first job anyway. But when he told them about being needed one more day this week, they both kinda freaked out on him. He's wanting to get another job, and keep the first job, because he obviously knows he isn't making enough for what he's being told he's getting paid. Except we've been staying with them which puts him in a hard spot because he wants to have a better job, but is worried that he'll get us kicked out if he chooses to do that. And they don't understand that. All his mom is concerned about is the boyfriend being mad and all the boyfriend thinks is that he won't be able to find a better job than with him.

He's been working for the boyfriend for over a month now and has only made about 500 dollars. While working 5 and 6 days a week with him. So that's why he wants to find another job because he knows he's being screwed over by him as far as the pay goes.