Calling all ladies who have had a baby with anencephaly. When was this diagnosed for you?

Ebony Jay • I'm 27 and my boyfriend is 34, from mid Wales, two angel babies and one beautiful daughter, Elsie who will be 4 soon , expecting our next little miracle 01.10.2022
3 weeks ago tomorrow I was given the news that my baby daughter had anencephaly. This was at the 20 week scan. The following Saturday i gave birth to my little angel, annie josephine. I asked the doctors who were looking after me whether they could have detected this earlier, which they said no. But I have a hard time believing them. Looking back it is so blatantly obvious annie didn't have the top part of her skull, especially when you compare it to other 12 week scan photos. If I can see it why wasn't it picked up by a trained sonographer. I know if they could have picked it up earlier it won't make any difference to how I feel now. But maybe 12 week scans should be looked at in closer detail... Maybe it could prevent further heartache for other ladies whose babies have this condition. It would have saved so much heart ache at 12 weeks I wouldn't have felt her move. At 12 weeks I could have had a medical procedure rather than have full blown labour and deliver my baby naturally. It would have been easier to come to terms with my loss. I'm so angry. So ladies please help me out by telling me when your baby was diagnosed. Sending love to all mummies with angel babies.

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