Still Waiting...

I am beginning to think that waiting for my first period after my miscarriage is worse than the TWW while leaving trying to conceive. Tomorrow will be four weeks since my miscarriage and there are no sign of my period coming. Granted I was irregular and it's not uncommon for my period to be a week late, but it also wasn't uncommon for it to be a week early either. I just want it to come so I can complete my blood tests they want while on my period and then to ovulate and try to conceive so they can test my progesterone. I have so much faith that my next baby will be alright and I am so anxious to be on the pregnancy path again. I know stress isn't good while TTC and during pregnancy so I am really trying not to stress. I wouldn't even consider myself stressed...just really excited for the future. I still cry all the time over my loss, but I know I'll see my angel someday and I know my little angel would want me and my husband to have another baby.