BC at pharmacy. Why??


So I heard on the news today that they're trying to make it legal in CA and OR to get hormonal BC directly from the pharmacist so you don't have to go to the doctor. It will also be available to females of all ages, without the need for parental consent. All the person has to do is fill out a short medical questionnaire and they're done.

So, here's my question: Why is this a good idea?

It's hormones that you put into your body. You shouldn't be able to get them without speaking to a doctor who has fully assessed your medical background and current health status, and who can properly advise you on possible adverse reactions that are specific to your situation.

I think my bigger issue is that it will be available to females of all ages. I have 2 daughters and I do not want them taking hormones without my knowledge or consent. The teenage mind is not yet fully developed. They will lie and make dumb decisions just to get the pill. Not to mention that the pill does nothing to protect against STDs.

What are everyone else's views on this?

EDIT: I forgot an important point. BC is readily available, in many forms (condoms, sponges, etc). Why do we have to make hormonal BC readily available?