Weight Loss After Lupron?

Melissa • I love cats, history, wine, traveling, Harry Potter, & mysteries. I'm easily excitable & geeky. I'm training to teach.
My journey with endo began a long time ago, but I was diagnosed and had a laparoscopy in 2014. I was then put on Lupron for seven months. Between the Lupron and the antidepressants I had to take so that I didn't kill myself (thanks, Lupron!), I gained over 100 lbs in a year, and I'm now somewhere around 120-150 lbs up from where I was 2 years ago. 
I got off the Lupron last year, but I have really struggled to lose the weight in a way that I've never experienced before. My financial situation is bad, so dieting is often too expensive. I do have access to gym equipment to work out, but I've been so depressed about my weight that I haven't really worked out much.
Has anyone had similar problems? Any advice or tips about losing the Lupron weight? Are my antidepressant/antianxiety/antipsychotic meds going to make it impossible?