Is it a positive? ??

Naomi • Loving life and want to expand our little family!

Hello ladies,

It's my first month on Glow so don't know any of you but hoping you can help! I have been ttc baby number 2 for 6 months. This month is my first on Glow and have found it very informative and helpful.

I am due to start my period on Tuesday. I did a pregnancy test today and it has the faintest of a positive line on it. So faint that my other half was unsure he could actually see it. After half an hour my eyes hurt so I gave up! I shall test again tomorrow and see if it's darker.

My question is, is that still a positive? It was very very faint. Could it be a negative result as line was so faint?

Thanks for yur help. Hope I don't sound too crazy!!!

N xxxxx