35 and TTC #1

My fiancée and I have been actively trying for about 6 months and the last 3 months I have been on clomid (50 mg in Jan & Feb and 100 mg this month).  We also used Preseed. 

According to one of my apps, I am 10 dpo.  

I normally have a lower heart rate (resting under 70 bpm).  I have a fitbit so I can see my resting heart rate has increased and over the last week its now increased to 15-20 bpm higher than my "normal". I'm almost at 90 bpm resting and over 100 if moving around.

I have also started having cramps with no spotting the past two days and grow nauseous during the day.  My appetite has definitely decreased.  My breasts are sore but otherwise, I don't have any other symptoms.  I did wake up with no voice and a strange cough last week with more mucus but otherwise I don't feel sick.

I tested this afternoon and got a bfn (I realize that 10 dpo is still a little early).  AF Is due Friday (4/8).  


Anyway, I'm just hoping that someone has experienced the same (past or present) and if so, did you end up with a bfp.  

Any thoughts and or comments would help. I'm trying not to get too anxious but still being hopeful.