Physicians Assistant Program

Brianne • Mother of two beautiful baby girls. Scarlett Danielle and Winsley Ann 🌼
For those of you who don't know about the program, it is a two year, time consuming, and intense graduate program. It's like med school shoved into 2 years. My husband was recently accepted into this falls program and I am thrilled for him, but also very nervous. The program he is in basically tells you to sit your family down and tell them that they won't be seeing much of you for the next two years. Well I am almost 6 months pregnant and due in July, right before he starts. I am afraid he is going to miss everything for our baby girl, like her first words, steps, etc. and also like I will be raising her on my own. Especially his second year when my daughter will be 1 year old and he's out of state for clinicals. Has or is anyone going through something like this?