
Stormie ☔ • Christ saved me from myself, I owe and offer everything I am to Him. Happily married homeschooling Mama of two with one in Heaven 🥰 Nurse. Crafter. World Changer.

Went to the doctor yesterday morning. He checked me and told me that my cervix was still closed. I'm 37w3d.

I have been having contractions since 9pm last night (it's almost 9am now). They're still kind of irregular, but pretty painful - to the point they hindered my sleep almost every hour last night (even after taking benadryl).

My mucus plug is still intact and my water hasn't broken. I'm scheduled for a repeat c/s on 4/25.

It's just so uncomfortable but I don't quite feel like it warrants a trip to L&D just to be sent back home 😧😧

It also doesn't help that baby boy thinks it's a good time for him to stretch his entire little body.