Need Advice!😟😟


Up until the day I gave birth to my son (2/24/16), I was babysitting my best friends now 10 month old. She had another lady watching her while I was recovering (emergency c-section). I told her last week I was able to watch her daughter again. This week she told me she was going to have her mom watch her to save money since she is off work for the week. Okay, no problem. But I was with her mom Tuesday and she told me she is only having the baby that day, the rest of the week she would be at the new babysitters house. Now, I live around the corner from my best friend. The new babysitter lives 30 minutes away in the opposite way that she works. I want to ask her what's going on but I don't know how to do it. I'm not really a confrontational person but I'll do it if I have to. Her, on the other hand, she's even less confrontational than I am. I don't want to lose my best friend over this, especially since she's getting married June 2017 and I'm the maid of honor. But I just feel like she doesn't want me watching her daughter anymore.. Any advice?

EDIT: I should note that she asked me to quit my job to watch her daughter when her fiancee went back to work. And I did.