Ovarian cyst ruptured...

Back in february i had a cyst rupture the pain was so bad i couldnt walk or talk i was so nauseous i didnt know what was going on i went to the dr and they ran a bunch of test and said that had happened. My husband and i had just had sex right before the pain hit as well. Well april 1st it happened again my husband and i had sex and within 10 mins after i was in the exact pain i had in february. It was late and i didnt want to get my kids out to go to the dr so i just dealt with the pain. My question is could sex be causing this? Had any one had this problem? I always have issues with cysts but never had any pop and within like a month i had two pop. But now every time my husband and i have sex it makes me worry if i am going to be in pain shortly after.