Feeling disconnected

Brianna • My dh and I are trying to have our rainbow baby. We ve had recurrent miscarriages since 2012 but are still hopeful and positive. Wish you all the best of luck and joy on your journey to growing your
As I have said before, I am currently pregnant for the 5th time,very early still. With the first four I felt connected to my babies and felt pregnant. I ve seen the tests, I've talked to my docs, I have once again changed my lifestyle to suit pregnancy but I still do not feel as though I'm pregnant. I have symptoms but it's like there's a brain body disconnect and I feel guilty. Even if it doesn't work out I ll regret not being emotionally connected but it seems I can't make myself accept this. I walked through the baby aisle today and held little socks, I even felt tears running down my fave but something was still numb in my mind. I don't understand why I cannot embrace this pregnancy and be optimistic this time. it's hard for my husband bc he feels that I need to be more in tune but I feel like I'm just existing through it.
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It's hard, I have had 9 miscarriages...and those last few I was disconnected also, almost numb and very matter of fact during the active miscarrieing...We took a break for 4 years, strict birth control, now we are trying again and the hope is back. The fear is not gone, but hope is stronger now


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You may want to talk to your doctor about recommending a therapist.  People don't talk about it, but depression and even PTSD are common after miscarriages- especially multiple miscarriages.  The disconnect you're feeling is probably your body's way of "protecting you" from the pain you've felt so many times before.  Lots of prayers that this one sticks for you though!


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I am pregnant with my 4th baby with no live births. Last time I made it to almost 15 weeks and didn't buy a single thing and had desire to. This time I am now 20 weeks and didn't get any excitement until maybe 2 weeks ago. I still have only done my registry and bought 1 outfit. It might take a while but it will come but you don't lose the aversion where you think what if something goes wrong.


Samantha • Apr 18, 2016
Congrats! I think it's too early to be hard on yourself.


Brianna • Apr 18, 2016
I got good news today. My levels tripled but this is still just the beginning . I just want to actually see a heart beat instead of a silent screen. ..I think I'll believe it more