Exclusive pumping or formula

So I currently have a breast pump and was planning on exclusively pumping since my husband want to help feed the baby. He is military and will deploy a couple months after baby is born and i was going to breast feed after he deployed. My issue is i have read so many "horror" stories about nipple confusion and how exclusive pumping moms are constantly hooked up to there machine and still not getting enough milk i am now worried that this will happen so i am debating weather or not to use formula. I plan on buying a can or 2 of formula either way just in case and i will be doing my research on the best ones but i dont know if i should just take the easy route (no offence to the moms who formula feed) or if i should try to pump? Im not trying to be selfish i know it will come off that way but i just dont want to constantly be hooked up to a machine and not be able to live life because i have to jugle a pumping schedule and a baby on top of all other normal stay at home mom things just seems hectic to me. Breast feeding is not an option i understand where my husband is coming from and i will respect him wanting to feed his son it should help me out too with feedings.

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