My mom has possible nerve damage from wisdom tooth removal

And I thought my experience was bad. The way my mom talked about it kinda made me want to cry. She got her wisdom teeth taken out today, in the process of getting one out, they learned that a facial nerve had grown around the roots of the tooth so then they had to be extra extra rough apparently, I don't understand that? So it was absolute hell for her and they gave her Percocet. And when the numb wore off she wasn't even responding to me when I talked to her. She laid on the couch with ice for like 5 hours just looking around (pretty sure because she's stoned and in pain) and she just got out of taking like an hour long bath to soak in all her pain. They told her that she might have permanent nerve damage from it. Like seriously? Permanent nerve damage from wisdom tooth removal? I want to cry for my mom.  Have you ever heard of this though? What the hell.