The Male Myth

Sherman J. Silber M.D. • Pioneer in infertility and a leading authority on IVF, ICSI, Egg Freezing and more...

It is a common misconception that a low sperm count means that the male is the cause of the couple’s infertility. But it is not quite that simple. Even men with very low sperm counts can be quite fertile. In fact, 10 percent of fertile men coming to us for vasectomy have sperm counts that are very low (less than ten million per cc). Before explaining what really does constitute male infertility, I will first try to clarify what causes a low sperm count. I will debunk some of the myths regarding low sperm production and explain why, in most cases, treating the wife should not be neglected while the husband is subjected to years of worthless medication and surgery that gets the couple no closer to getting pregnant.
