Words of encouragement and advice

Hello everyone I am the mother of two angel babies both have lost in 2015. First one I lost in January 2015 and the other in May 2015. Ever since my husband and I have been trying for a rainbow and now we are in a box of confusion. I am now 18 days late signs of AF no symptoms or anything I called the dr. 2 days ago and was told to at least wait two more weeks in order for them to go any further so now I'm sitting here wondering what's going on wondering if I'm pregnant or if something else is wrong. Over the weeks I have wasted at least over 10 test with them all being be bfn. I don't know what to think at this point honestly wish AF we show her face so I can have some closure and start fresh with TTC for this month is anyone else in the same boat I have gone through this before and if so what was the outcome