We don't know what to do

OK so my brother and his girlfriend had a baby 5 months ago and she is a darling but the mother is very harsh towards this side of them family and to him she won't let us feed,change or take her out for a walk on our own she says she has very bad aniexty and is constantly using that for excuse but she will let her dog sit on the floor next to her let another baby have her dummy in her mouth and let her own dad put her on a swinging chair with no support in the garden...my brother is not aloud to take the baby out on his own even though he is the dad let alone bringing her to us without the mum the family is constantly arguing about it and we don't know own what to do... am I being to harsh on her seeing as I don't have kids? All we want is to bond with our new family member..my mum(the grandmother) is in bits as she can't be a proper nan to her first grandchild