Cd38 & 19 / 1 dpo Today and still trying after Evra @ 32years old

D • LO #1 - DEC. 8th 2017

Stopped Ortho Evra in March. On CD 19 I received a bfp on my opk using First Response OPK and it was a positive at 11 am. We bd'd as much as possible and then waited.

Today, af is 7 days late, and pregnancy tests show bfn. Three days ago though, and for the first time all cycle, I had a ton of ewcm which clued me into taking another opk. Was almost positive, and next day, absolutely positive so we bd again.

My temp this morning dropped from 36.39°C down to 36.19°C, almost the lowest it's been so far.

Has anyone else experienced this? This is our first month ttc for #1, and we're really just trying to figure our bodies and schedules out.

Any experience or advice would be appreciated.

P.S. It's our 1 year wedding anniversary on Tuesday May 24th, so hoping next tww could be our anniversary baby!