Positive or evap?

Jude • Got my bfp 5/20/16. DD born 1/27/17 So head over heels in love with her!
5 days late yesterday so asked hubby to pick up some cheapy tests jic. Took the 1st one with black background around 8pm (took pic about an hour later) and it did have 2 lines. Took 2nd test (with coral background) This am with FMU and line was lighter than last night but still there (again pic is about 2 hours after results). Is this possibly a bfp? I was told a month ago I have a uterine polyp so thought that was what was causing infertility. Dh is in shock and doesn't really believe it's positive. He said I should get the digital (which sucks cause I used one I was saving on 5/12 and it was bfn. I've taken a lot of tests over the years but never had any kind of line whatsoever....Augh!! :) What do you think?