Is normal to still be puking 2 to 3 times a day at 15 weeks


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I'm still throwing up almost every day, multiple times a day at 17 weeks.


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Thats my life still and im 31 weeks 


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I was vomiting at least once or twice (usually more than that) every day up until I was about 16 weeks along.After that I was puking maybe once or twice a week up until 20ish weeks. I am 38wks tomorrow, and have only vomited once since the 25 week mark. I still feel nauseated, and wretch randomly some times though. This baby had better be cute, after all the up-chucking she's made me do!


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I vomit 2 times a week a 26 weeks


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Its weird people i know who have been pregnant my mom, sister, friends all act like its weird im still puking. They think im like making it up or something? Why would i make that up :[ i guess i just have to keep it to myself and try not to show my nasuea around then


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I had morning sickness until over 20 weeks preg. Sorry lady- puking sucks! 


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Some wemen have morning sickness all min months every one is different


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With my first pregnancy I literally puked the whole pregnancy.


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I'm 25 weeks and got sick at my son's bus stop this morning!!! Good luck mama.


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It's not unusual, but not many people have to go through the nausea for that long!