Braxton Hicks


I haven't complained too much throughout my pregnancy. Just a few aches here and there, but nothing I can't handle. Yesterday I called my OB and told her I called into work and tried to take a personal day. I wasn't feeling too well as the night before I felt a little cramping and had diarrhea. This continued the next morning and I started to feel nauseous as well (something I managed to avoid throught my pregnancy until now) Since the holiday this weekend, I was told to bring in a doctors note so my OB had me go in just so she could check out the baby's heart... I ended up being hooked up to a machine for a fetal non-stress test to find that I was having contractions & did not even know....

(This is my first pregnancy, I've been feeling tightness in my belly every now and then, usually when I'm laying down after work. I would always tell my mom, come feel my belly, it's hard. I have now been informed that I was having Braxton hicks) Being that the office will be closed on Monday my OB decided to send me to the hospital just to play it safe... They got me checked in, hooked me up to an iv and said I must be dehydrated and this was the cause of my contractions.... I sat in bed hooked up once again to the NST so they could monitor everything. My contractions were mild but they were 4-5 minutes apart which was concerning. My pain tolerance is pretty decent so although my contractions were noticable, they didn't really bother me. I had a few contractions were I began to feel cramping, these lasted anywhere from 20-40 seconds.... Three IV bags later they decided that the cause was not dehydration as the contractions were still very consistant... I was given medication to try and stop them, 2 hours later they finally did. The doctor finally came in to check to see if I was dilated, I was not. He said since I wasn't in excruciating pain he wasn't concerned about my contractions, that if they worsened and the pain was bad, I should then contact them again.....

I'm nervous now although they assured me that the baby is ok. He is due July 16th, he still needs to bake a little longer lol.