Gassy baby

I have been EBF since my little guy was born! He is almost 6 weeks now and about 2 weeks ago he started getting very gassy where is was unable to pass any gas and we can hear it in his belly and feel it and he gets very uncomfortable and just crys non stop and pula his legs up so we are positive it's his tummy.. I have tried gas drops, changing my diet, doing exercises with his legs to relieve it and even massage. Nothing seems to be helping 😩 I feel so bad for him and can only think it's my milk that is causing it. Thinking about trying a day of formula to see if that helps any and to see if it's my milk that is really causing it. I don't know anything about formula so any suggestions for sensitive tummy babies would be great! Or if you have any other good gas remedies I can try! Thanks ladies!!