Is my son bi-racial? or something else?

SOOoo I am half black half white. My babys father is full black. So he is 3/4 black 1/4 white. My father says that he is "black" but isn't he bi-racial just like I am because he is "of two races"? I don't really care that much, lol I just wanted to know what other people think(:
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He is bi-racial to you because you know what's he's made of but society will view your son as a black man.


☆-----☆ • May 31, 2016
ok..I guess I see it from that point of view.. if u look more of one race..people put u in that category without asking..


Elaina • May 31, 2016
Shes saying because the mother is not fully white (like she saidnin the post if you read it correctly ☺) The mother is HALF black ½ white. So because the child will be mainly black, shes saying society might just view him as only black. But I would still consider him as bi-racial


Mel • May 31, 2016
I am Dominican. People don't look at me and say oh she's Hispanic, they're first assumption is that I'm African American. Society is not always going to stop and ask what you are is my point.


Posted at
Bi-racial. My son is bi-racial as well but not with African American. In his dad's side he is Salvadorean and Native American. I'm all "white" (French, Irish, Italian). He looks completely Hispanic so often he gets spoken to in Spanish even though he has refused to learn it just like his father (he understands it just can't speak it but my son doesn't even understand it). On paper, he is mostly white. But society will view him always as a Hispanic man. (Pics are when he was 5 and now at 9 holding my youngest son!) 


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I think the whole fraction/percentage thing when talking about race is ridiculous. He is black and he is white. So yes consider him biracial if you like. 


Asia • May 31, 2016
Yea I always found that weird and unnecessary. I think they should identify as whatever they want. Does the white just disappear? Lol I'm not understand but hey to each their own


Jia🌻 • May 31, 2016
I was thinking the same thing!! Nowhere in life are you going to use fractions to explain your race. I wouldn't consider him mixed but that's me.


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I vote for bi-racial, too. Otherwise you'd be disregarding 1/4 of his ancestry. 


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I'm going through the same thing I hate going by percentages. I'm half Mexican/blk & my boyfriend is full black. I guess my baby is still mixed but just not as much as I am This is my nephew he's now 1 More black than Mexican


Mandy • Jun 1, 2016
Beautiful baby boy pics!!!


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He's black.


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Same for me. I'm half black and half white. My husband is black. Our baby will be biracial.


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Yep! Biracial just like you. :) 


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She not fully 100% black therefore she is mixed with something else whether or not she's bi or tri racial....