Stay at home mom and EP

I am a stay at home mom and exclusively pumping for my 10 week old. He has a recessed chin that makes it nearly impossible for him to latch properly so I pump. Long story short my husband works 10 hour days and our baby always wants to be held. That's completely wonderful except...I find it so hard to pump during the day. He rarely naps for more than five minutes at a time if he's not being held. He does sleep through the night although I still wake to feed him and pump every 4 hours. I have a low milk supply and it takes me an hour to pump 4oz but I still do it because it's better than nothing. I have to use a hand held pump because it works better for me then my medical grade pump and I can only do one breast at a time so I can't hold him while doing it. I spend my entire day stressing that I won't be able to pump and then just end up putting him to breast for a little milk so he at least gets some although it's painful for me and he thrashes around in frustration. Then I  supplement with formula. It's incredibly stressful for both of us. How do you all do it!?! I don't want to stop providing breast milk for him but I'm losing it in the meantime!!