To be induced or not to be induced....

I'll be 38 weeks on Wednesday, Due June 22nd. This is baby #3, i was induced with both of my previous pregnancies #1 at 39 weeks 5 days & #2 at 41 weeks. I had an appointment last week & my cervix was very soft but still closed. I had another check up today & I was dilated to a 1 & 25% effaced. I also had an ultrasound & baby measured 7lbs 10oz my first baby was 6lbs 12oz & my second was 7lbs 12oz. My doctor will be out of town for the entire week of my due date, so she gave us two options. I can come in & be induced on the 15th (exactly 39 weeks), or if I don't go into labor while she is out of town then I can be induced when she comes back on the 28th (40 weeks 6 days). I really have wanted to try to wait it out & go into labor on my own since I had to be induced both times before. However if I go into labor on my own not only will my doctor not be the one to deliver baby (which is what I truly want) but that also gives us another doctor bill. That may sound like the wrong perspective but we have paid throughout my pregnancy to cover my delivery & if my doctor doesn't deliver we still have to pay her & the doctor that does the delivery. So without bashing for choosing to be induced or not what do you Mom's think?