I feel wrong feeling this way

My cousin had twin girls today. She is 21 and had unprotected sex once with her husband. We have a strained relationship as it is. I took her in at age 18 and she took advantage and we had a huge blow out over me not traveling out of state to her wedding or buying her wedding dress.  Used to be super close but she blew up at me after the wedding and things didn't end well. I haven't seen her in 1.5 years. Anyway today she had 2 beautiful twin girls.. Born at 37.5 weeks vaginally 5 minutes apart. It's so tough to see the pictures and feel happiness for these two new lives while also feeling devastated that I have been trying for over 2 years and am 27 and have not been able to get pregnant. Also beating myself up for these feelings. I'm not used to feeling envy but I think I'm feeling envious over this and I feel guilty. Anyone else ever feel this way? 😞