Marijuana, and having a child

Kiara • Hi! My name is Kiara.
When my boyfriend tries to quit marijuana he says that he can't sleep, can't eat, and is more irritable. One time when he didn't smoke for a couple of days he got mad, slammed doors, and had a short fuse. It seems like if he doesn't smoke for a day he gets super irritated,  has a short temper, and isn't a very pleasant person to be around at all. It seems as if he's dependent on it. I feel like he sound stop smoking weed since we have a baby on the way, and his fluctuating moods make for a non healthy environment. He told me that he was going to stop because he agrees but never stopped &began hiding it from me like he's ashamed of himself of something. I can't force him, and it's completely his choice. I don't know if I should hold him accountable to not smoke since it makes for a unhealthy enviorment or if I should leave or if I should just forget about it. I think if you have a child, and act like this you shouldn't smoke weed. What would you do, how do you feel, do you believe these "withdrawal" symtoms are real, and what should I do?