I need opinions. Please.



My fiance and I are a couple who can't have babies normally. He is a transgender male, from female. and doesn't have man parts.

We did the "turkey baster" inseminations. We used a 10ml syringe and sterile cups for our donor to ejac. Into. I've been having symptoms like crazy. Bloating. Tender breasts. Sore nipples. Headaches. Nausea. Fatigue. Etc.. My question is. Do u think it worked? Is it too early to test?

AF expected on 06-12-16

Today is 06-08-16

Last period start date was 5-15-16

Ovulated on 5-29-16

Inseminated on 5-24-16/ 5-26-16/5-30-16

Haven't had any spotting or anything.

CP is high and firm and wet.

CM is clear and watery.

Thank you for any help!

We've been trying and really want a baby.