Smaller class sizes? Smaller school?

Zoe • ❤❤❤❤

I'm comparing 3 schools for grade one.

School A has a classroom of 10 kids, it's a small school that goes to grade 6.

School B has a class size of 16 kids, it's a medium school that goes to grade 12.

School C has 2 or 3 classes of 16 kids, so total number of kids is over 40. It's a large school going up to grade 12.

My daughter is currently enrolled in school A. My niece who is younger is starting preschool at the same school and my sister in-law said she plans on pulling her out in grade 1 to go to a larger school because she wants my niece to have a larger social circle and she's worried the small school isn't competitive enough.

That really had me thinking, should I move my daughter to a larger school? Will she not have the social skills to progress in another school after grade 6 because she was sheltered at such a small school?

Everything I read says young kids do best in smaller classrooms, but does my sister in-law have a point about competition pushing kids to do better? What do you think?