Spotting....what does it mean?

I went for blood work Wednesday, I was told I was pregnant but my numbers were low. Recheck on Monday. This morning I started spotting. Brown and lite but I think it's too late for implantation bleeding. I'm probably 4 weeks and a few days. Anyone else have this?
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I had implantation bleeding on and off (very light light spotting - like super light) up until 5 weeks and 3 days. I only know that's what the bleeding was because it showed on my ultrasound and my doctor asked me about it. She said it looked like implantation bleeding. I'm now 7 weeks and 1 day and alls great!


Posted at
Heavy bright red bleeding this said it's a Mc. If I'm still bleeding tomorrow I go in for an US to see if I need a D&C


Shannon • Jun 19, 2016
I am so sorry. I'm going through the same exact thing. I hope that you are able to find peace.


Ashley • Jun 19, 2016
I'm so sorry girl!! Praying for you!


Katelyn • Jun 19, 2016
I'm so sorry. Stay strong and have faith in your rainbow baby. "The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming." Romans 8:18


Posted at
Thank you everyone for the kind words. Thankfully the passing of the tissue hasn't been painful, just a bit more uncomfortable than a period


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The spotting has been on and off and has now turned red. At one point I watched it drip into the toilet. This is horrible. The wait for Monday is going to kill me!


Helen • Jun 19, 2016
My mother had periods throughout all her pregnancies. It doesn't necessarily mean bad news. Fingers crossed for you xxx


Posted at
Have a look at break through bleeding - I think this is what I am having at the moment. It's like your hormones are adjusting to the pregnacy and you period can break through. I haven't seen it mentioned on here before. Especially if you're early in pregnancy and your cycle is long - mines usually 31 days. I hope you're okay honey x 


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I've just read about something called 'break through bleeding' - I think this usually happens around the time your period is due? It could be. I think that's what I'm expericing now, very light and on and off x


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Unfortunately there's not much you can know until the second blood test. It can be perfectly normal to spot, and it's usually fine as long as it doesn't get heavier or start turning red.


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I'm 4 weeks and a few days and I had light spotting when my period was due - it was really pale pink and it only is visible when I wipe #TMI but I think everything is okay. I've read spotting is very common in early pregnacy☺️


Posted at
What were your numbers? 


Amy • Jun 18, 2016
The doc said he will just re-check on Monday and if it continues to be brown it's probably not a big deal. But I'm so scared


Amy • Jun 18, 2016
Idk I was sleeping when she called and I didn't think to ask her.


Posted at
I had the same thing and so far everything is fine. If you're still having intercourse your cervix is hyper sensitive and that can cause spotting also