Miscarriage, mismarriage.

Yes we lost our baby. Our sweet tiny angel that we spent five months actively trying for. The stress was terrible four days ago when it happened. I cried non stop the six hours we were in the hospital. And now four days later I am miraculously coping very well. My husband on the other hand has been fine since hour three on day one. And no it's not just him being strong for me. He's actually full heartedly not giving one care about it. But he also has been treating me like complete trash. Now tell me how the following is okay for you all to exuse for grieving: 1: he ignores me. 2: he's on his phone 24/7. 3: he won't cuddle me. 4: he doesn't want to lay in the same bed as me. 5: he wants to always go out with his friend. 6: he told me I have to clean the house while he sits on the couch on his phone (we don't have a tv). 7: he's gone to watch porn multiple times even though I've tried to help him and he will get to the point of where he's turned on and walk away to do it himself. 8: he tells me he's relieved the baby is gone. 9: he makes "there goes my baby" "I lost my baby" jokes. And finally we will end with 10: he won't even shower with me or look at me naked. 
It's pretty sad that all of you women brought me down on a previous post saying he's just grieving. Actually he's not. He doesn't care. Multiple times he's told me he doesn't care. He doesn't want anything to do with me. He ignores me. Makes me clean everything. Made me pack away the baby's room. Won't even sit next to me on the couch. So tell me how in the hell is this my fault? I didn't kill our baby. I took prenatals, exercised, drank water like it was my blood supply, ate healthy foods that I hate, got enough sleep most nights, and still I get blamed. Yay.