TTc 5 years ☺️

Hey girls ! Well about 1 month ago i auto medicated myself with metformin and clomid 50mg because i think i wasnt ovulating
Im still taking the metformin twice a day 1 in morning 1 in the night 
The clomid i took it on the 5th day of my cycle until the 9th, today im on cycle day 15,
I had this afternoon a clear mucus (transparent) discharge and mild cramping that i never had before (unless i masturbate) sorry haha, but i had it today so i told DH we should have sex and wait to see what happens we did and we use pre-seed also i just wish i can have my little miracle now because i have a feeling i did ovulate today ? What do you girls think i need someone to talk to me somehow and feel im not alone in this..