Grooming down there?

Do you groom down there? For your own preferences or your bf's? What style, all bare, landing strip, au naturale, or what? What does your bf prefer? Thanks!!
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Hubby doesn't care what I do with my pubic hair haha He said he likes hairy and shaved. I don't shave completely bald but I keep it short


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My boyfriend doesn't care. He personally thinks shaved pussy us kind of gross, he prefers a woman with hair because we are supposed to have it. Puberty and all that. He never pressures me to shave it, or my legs haha. He doesn't understand why some dudes and ladies find hair such a big deal.For myself I do shave my legs because they feel nice when they're smooth, but I don't shave my lady bits. It's not really great to shave there anyway, but to each their own really.


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My husband likes me to keep it trimmed down some but not bare. Says it reminds him of a little girl and is instantly turned off and won't even go near me until it grows back some. 


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I shave ! Hubby and I both like it that way. 😊


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I shave it all off & always have. I feel dirty if I don't!


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My boyfriend doesn't care but I don't like being too bushy down there! I do remove all of the hair but then i don't maintain it for a while but once it gets too long yeah I go in and trim 


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Ugh I'm still trying to keep it trim/shaven. I'm having a harder time with the growing rock hard belly. I can't see my vagina any more so I'm trying really hard not to cut my clit! πŸ˜¨πŸ˜±πŸ˜† it's funny but true. It's so uncomfortable, I don't know what I'm gonna do even in a month. Do I trust my husband to deal with such a special area with a sharp tool!!?


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I wax, bf doesn't care either way though


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I save it all off, I feel soooo much cleaner down there....hubby likes it too


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Hubby shaves it for me 😘 I can't stand hair. He doesn't mind either way.