Pregnancy and periods confusion.

So , I'm only young And me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on the 8th June. For 5 minutes or so and he cummed afterwards when i tossed him off and it went on my stomach. Ever since after that I've been peeing like mad , my boobs have been hurting , headaches , a little bit of Nausea that I've noticed but not substantial. So I thought I would wait until my period day which is some what regular around the 20's , it came on the 23rd June so I thought I was okay and I had a lot of cramping. It wasn't necessarily heavy nor light. So I thought I couldn't be pregnant. Until yesterday evening my period stopped completely not even little bits where there. I went to sleep with a pad on thinking it would come over night but no still nothing this morning for me and my periods always last six days not two!?I was wondering from the bleeding I had , could I have gone through pregnancy spotting bleeding ? I still have frequent urination and tender breasts, idk what it is and I don't know what to do about it?! Please help