Baby doesn't sleep!!! Help :(

So my almost 6 month old was born "awake" and super alert to the world.... And she's stayed like that. She's so happy throughout the day, but only takes two or three 25 minute naps per day. On top of that our nights have been really rough the last 2 months (a 5 hour stretch followed by waking every 1-2 hours.) Everyone comments on how happy she is, she's perfectly chunky, and really alert. She's also been hitting milestones early, so the doctor isn't a bit  concerned. I'm the one losing my mind from overtiredness. 
She's most likely got a bit of reflux we're going to start treating with Mylanta (per the doctor) and I bought a "lovey" today to help transition her to sleep (in addition to her 5 step super soothing nighttime routine we've been doing the last month.) I feel like we've done everything under the sun except sleep training which I'm not 100% about. 
Anyone else in this boat??? Seems like the only one suffering here is me, and partly my husband because he's picking up the slack and doing all the housework (because again-- baby doesn't nap.)
**in addition, she winds up nursing ravenously at night (yes, I'm producing enough), and won't take the bottle if I'm home. We can rock and soothe her other ways but she always winds up nursing.
Any help and out of the box suggestions are appreciated!