I'm being petty but I need to vent

My brother in law has forever been a world class screw up until his third DUI almost killed him - his nickname now is iron man because of all the rods plates and screws in him. My father in law pays for his shit constantly even though he is 26, living with his gf, and works a fantastic job. His gf is the most miserable person out there and so superficial is hurts. She can't be bothered with the family and treats me like I'm some old lady - I'm 28. Well they got engaged over the weekend and the whole family is posting and sharing everything on Facebook, talking about a beautiful bride she'll be and welcoming her into the family. When my husband and I got engaged 3 years ago - we got nothing. No support, no interest. We ended up just eloping because we didn't want to put ourselves in debt having a big party for people that don't care. I'm jealous and I'm hurt. It's stupid I know. When I got married I had a son from a previous relationship, I was (still am) in school bc I have to put myself through it, and I have a mental illness (not debilitating but enough that everyone thinks I'm crazy when I have an anxiety attack) and after our late miscarriage at 20 weeks nobody came over, nobody called, nobody cared. I've always felt like I'm not enough for my husband and now I feel even worse. Bad enough he and I had a blow out fight the other night where he said he thinks he's falling out of love with me (bc I'm stressed out finishing up school, he's breadwinner right now and says I don't trust him). Back to his family - we are staying with his brother and fiancé in 2 weeks to go to their cousins wedding and I want none of it. I think I might "catch the flu" bc I don't want to be snippy and rude while trying to fake a smile. Again, I know I'm being dumb but I just had to vent.