I need some encouragement, mommas!

I had my little girl late Friday night and got discharged from hospital Sunday morning. Since I've gotten back from the hospital I noticed that she hadn't been latching and sucking during feedings. I went to her doc appt yesterday and she lost over a pound. They weren't concerned when I said she wasn't eating, but I was. I noticed that she slept all day, had dry lips and barely had wet diapers (when the diaper line turned blue it was usually for discharge) So I got an electric pump and fed her with a bottle. She's been a different baby since then. She hasn't fussed in her sleep, her cry isn't hoarse and she's been awake for a while now! I began crying thinking how this poor baby has been starving and I've made the decision that I should pump and feed her via bottle. But now I'm feeling really down...I was looking forward to breastfeeding and having that incredible bond. I'm still going to try the breastfeeding but I have a feeling she'll only take the bottle. Did this happen to any of you? I'm feeling so guilty...will she know I'm her mom and have a special bond with me? I'm very emotional, I really wanted to breastfeed. Help me out over here... Maybe tips for latching //sucking or some encouragement for sticking with my decision to only pump. Feeling very down right now.