Is my bf insecure or just inexperienced?

(He wasn't a virgin when I got with him) Every time my bf and I do anything sexual he questions me? So if he's fingering me he always asks "does this feel good?" Okay that's fine so I will say yes and instead of just carrying on he keeps asking "are you sure" "does it feel nice" even during sex too and it kind of kills the mood for me so i cant enjoy what He's doing. I don't understand why he always needs reassurance. I texted him about it and he replied "I just wanted to know it felt good" then a few days later texted me "when we have sex is it good? Crap? OK...could have better? cos for me it's great"?

Have any of you been in this situation and what did u do? If he's insecure how can I make him feel like he's doing a great job other than the fact i am telling him and from my reactions? You can leave ur experiences below.

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