I need to vent

My so and I have been through a lot. Last year he cheated on me. We decided to work things out, but he's been so different towards me. He's always accusing me of looking for an out. I do everything for him. I do his laundry, pic him up from work and sometimes take him, I cook for him, I clean his place and the list goes on. He sustained an severe injury several years ago so he suffers from chronic pain. I hurt my back at work a few years ago and also suffer from chronic pain. I'll give him massages whenever but he can't unless I ask which is rare because he's always in pain. I'll send him sweet messages just because but not him. His excuse is because he hates to text. He did it all the time before he cheated and we exchanged screenshots. I sometimes feel like if he could be with her he would. Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like a part of him is missing. I have loved him for most of my life but I can't help but feel he's somewhere else. It's been almost 8 months since he cheated and he still seems distant. Even in sex he feels distant. The problem is all my life I've been told I'm too sensitive so I try hard to fight it. I am that girl that cries at movies but because it was frowned upon I hold it in. I always hold my feelings in because that's what I was taught. Now I don't know if it's me being over sensitive or f my concerns are legitimate. I know he's moody because even the kids sense that. I just know that if it's not him, there will be no one else and that scares me. I don't know what to do. What happens when the man you love no longer makes you smile?