Over worring about a relationship?

OK so I know this is really weird, but I have been dating a guy I really really love for 7 months its great and there is nothing to be obsessing over we haven't really even fought yet, our families like each other, I'm not worried about him cheating, but for about a month now I've had a weird kind of worring feeling, like we arent actually right for each other even though I've thought about my life with him in the future and seriously loved it, and he says the same, I worry that something bad will happen to ruin it, its such a loose feeling that doesn't seem to mean anything, but I can't really get rid of it, some days it is gone, but then its always back?

This seems to fluctuate with hormones, when its worse other symptoms like mood swings and irritability i think it could be hormonal cuz it all started one morning and I just woke up feeling this way on the first day of my PMS last month ( it was the worst day ever) and has kinda been going ever since someone told me it could be an off month for hormones idk?

Ok well I'm sorry if none of my rant made sense, but if it did, can you tell me your thoughts?